Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Don't ask don't tell

Oh the joy.  Just watching the briefing from the generals on the repeal on Don't Ask Don't Tell on CSPAN 2.  They questioned hundreds of thousands of military people and their wives.  (why the wives I am not sure...unless some were questioning what their G.I. was placing his riffle.  Oh forgive me...I could not resist)

Turns out the +90% don't care.  Which means...there are 10% of very loud obnoxious people who have caused a huge deal out of something that few even think about.  For crying out loud...these people are fighting and dying...I don't think the subject of hey...are you single really comes up that much.  I could be wrong.

Then the questions from the press.  My favorite...will they have separate shower and housing facilities?  Answer...NO.  Can you imagine in this day and age.  Those that have been kicked out...can apply again.  Isn't that nice.  SO...an organization has fired you because of who you are, you can now rejoin since they treated you with such respect in the first place.  Lovely.

A three phase plan.  Assessment, implementation, then susstainment.  So..still no time frame.  Because the future is still pending.  (Brilliant observation).  Perhaps they meant...well...now that there are so many republicans in the houses of congress...this could take forever.

Don't get me wrong...I think all these people are committed to their assignment.  I just think the assignment is ridiculous.  I work with gay people...it has never made me feel uncomfortable.  In fact...I am gay....in my youth it made me uncomfortable because of the relentless messages received by the rest of society how I was different.

I also work for heterosexual people, bi-sexual, transsexuals, transgender, questioning...none of which have bothered me.  I have worked with Holy Rollers and Bigots...they bothered me.  However...I never felt the urge to assault them, kill them, or wish they no longer existed on this earth.  I just felt pity for them because in my view their lives were so closed off to what the world of humanity had to offer.  However...who am I to say.  Feel as you wish.

This entire argument seems to be silly to me.  I find it comical to watch very serious people speaking very eloquently about a topic that is such a non starter.


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