Monday, November 15, 2010

Lead with a boner

So today was the ceremonial handing of the gavel to the new speaker of the house. It warms my heart to think of all the little chain smoking, alcoholic, orange kids now have a role model...something to aspire to.

I wonder how many times boner will cry on the floor of the house? I think it is currently three.

The new priority? Earmarks. FYI earmarks are less then one percent of federal spending. Nothing like starting with the heavy lifting! Forget the economy, illegal wars, war criminals on book tours, unemployment, the national debt. Let's start with something that will not matter to a bug on a rug.

I wonder what they will be working on behind the curtain as they divert Americas attention to something so insignificant.

Something tells me it will be more redistribution of wealth to the top 1% of wage earners.

Fasten your seatbelt it's going to be a bumpy couple of years.


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