Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The houses are back in session


Senator Fraken arguing for approving the signing of the SALT treaty.  Basically a treaty to modernize and protect "lose nukes" with Russia.  Huh...hardly important, I mean...what can be more important then the destruction of the entire planet.  Screw that.

Then the Congress.  Listening to the democratics arguing for funding of court cases that have already been ruled in favor of the American Idians water rights and African American farmers for violation of their land rights.  Hard to come down on the other side of that argument.

Leave it the the (R) in congress.  Although framing the argument with lies and nice big words to make them sound like they are not biggots.  In short all the words meant were...we can't give money to those people of color!  Why there will be people who were not a part of that class...so there will be people getting money by lying.  Becaues we all know they are liars.  Why should we give those colored people any money...that money is obviously for us white folks.  Especially those of us from the south.  I just don't understand why people just don't remember their place and get back to working the land, providing food, and serving us fat lazy white people who are not even worthy of walking among the rest of American Society.

Have I said how much I hate these people?


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