OK folks,
I have not had time to read the proposal for balancing the budget. Here is what I know so far:
- take away the home mortgage deduction. (how many more foreclosure would come from that)
- take away all deductions.
- the corporations have already managed to insert language that would make anything done outside America not subject to taxes.
Here is my take. The corporatons have already figured out how to not pay taxes.
We the people did not cause thecurrent economic mess. This was caused by the corporations and the government they have bought and paid for. So, they caused the current crisis, why should we the people pay the price to get the country back on track?
Here are a couple simple ideas. Cut the defense budget by 90%, after all, what has the last ten years of war produced beside death, destruction, the almost collapsed world economy. Hardly Anglos investment.
Deduct social security no matter how much money you make. Currently if you make over $106,800 a year, you do not pay any social security deduction for all income over that. Trust me on that one, been there, done that. Additionally, when you are mOong that much money you dwould not notice the social security deductioon. To befair, those who pay more would get more once they retired.
These two things would make social security solventforever. The money saved from not killing, death, destruction and social engineering would allow us to address all theneeds our nation has.
People of America, the time has come to get up, off your ass and get out in the streets, organize protests, and let the powers that've that we are mad as he'll and we are not going to take it anymore.
The continued transfer of wealth to the top 1% has got to stop. This country is on track to hit a brick wall and complete destruction is the natural course of action.
Get up, act up, and make a difference, if not for you, for those who are unable to be heard.
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