Thursday, January 13, 2011

I found this article interesting

Stochastic Terrorism: Triggering the shooters.
by G2geek
Mon Jan 10, 2011 at 05:37:39 PM PST
Stochastic terrorism is the use of mass communications to stir up random lone wolves to carry out violent or terrorist acts that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable.

This is what occurs when Bin Laden releases a video that stirs random extremists halfway around the globe to commit a bombing or shooting.

This is also the term for what Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, and others do. And this is what led directly and predictably to a number of cases of ideologically-motivated murder similar to the Tucson shootings.

Update: the mechanism spelled out.

(This update is to resolve some ambiguity.)

The person who actually plants the bomb or assassinates the public official is not the stochastic terrorist, they are the "missile" set in motion by the stochastic terrorist. The stochastic terrorist is the person who uses mass media as their means of setting those "missiles" in motion.

Here's the mechanism spelled out concisely:

The stochastic terrorist is the person who uses mass media to broadcast memes that incite unstable people to commit violent acts.

One or more unstable people responds to the incitement by becoming a lone wolf and committing a violent act. While their action may have been statistically predictable (e.g. "given the provocation, someone will probably do such-and-such"), the specific person and the specific act are not predictable (yet).

The stochastic terrorist then has plausible deniability: "Oh, it was just a lone nut, nobody could have predicted he would do that, and I'm not responsible for what people in my audience do."

The lone wolf who was the "missile" gets captured and sentenced to life in prison, while the stochastic terrorist keeps his prime time slot and goes on to incite more lone wolves.

Further, the stochastic terrorist may be acting either negligently or deliberately, or may be in complete denial of their impact, just like a drunk driver who runs over a pedestrian without even realizing it.

Finally, there is no conspiracy here: merely the twisted acts of individuals who are promoting extremism, who get access to national media in which to do it, and the rest follows naturally just as an increase in violent storms follows from an increase in average global temperature.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Repeal of Health Care and the Idiotic Republicants

Did you watch this mornings reading of the Constitution on the floor of the house? (A colossal waste of time).  That was the first order of business.  Now...onto what the Republicants call "the job killing Obama care repeal".  WTF...that is not even the name of the law.  Keeping in step with the "never let the truth get in the way of a good story"...they are embarking on another huge waste of time.  They know it will never pass through the Senate, and of would be the fastest veto in history once it hit the desk of the President as it is a cornerstone accomplishment of his time in office.

Behind the scenes the Dems are quietly taking out the language in the law regarding "end of life counseling" in the health care bill.  They are afraid of how it has been "spinned" as "Death Panels".  Thanks to the Rupert Murdoch Terrorist Propaganda Communication Network and the Hoe from Wasilla...fear strikes at the heart of the Democrats on issues that are simply common sense.

Let me review the basics.  "End of life counseling" would be covered by insurance (it is voluntary for those who want it, it is not required if you are not interested).  This is simply the Doctor going over options when you are faced with a terminal illness.  That's it.  A doctor giving you the facts, in order for you to make a decision on how you want to exit from this earth.

This just in...We are all going to die.  Not particularly the happy topic of dinner conversation...but a universal truth.  So why are people so afraid of facing this truth and having all the information they need in order for them to make decisions on what types of treatments they want, how aggressive they want their medical procedures to be in order to extend their life for a few months...etc.

My feelings on this are strong due to my own experience with my mother's death, her choices she made towards the end of her life, and how important it was not only for her but to all of us close to her...that we knew what she wanted and her communicating that to us.  Her decisions were based on the Doctor's information given, and her own feelings about what she wanted done to her own body when faced with lung cancer, that then progressed and metastasized in her brain.  This lead to a decline to the point that she could no longer communicate in the final stages before her death.

Thankfully, I walked through a living will with my mom before she hit the final stages.  She chose the least invasive surgery for the lung cancer.  Chose only radiation for the brain cancer.  She also wanted to die at home and was very strong on choosing to be a D.N.R.  (Do Not Recessitate)   We covered what she wanted done with her body after death.  Chose what she wanted her memorial to be like, including the music.  Sure  it was a difficult thing to go through as it was very detailed and not exactly topics that bring joy to the forefront.

Documenting all her wishes made all of us that were close to her able to make decisions for her when she no longer could.  We did not have to worry that we were making decisions for her that she did not agree with.  Everything was out there.  The experience of loosing a parent is difficult enough, I can not imagine how much more tough it would be if you did not know what they wanted.  In short, having all the information allowed her to make informed decisions that effected her.  It allowed those of us around her to follow her wishes and support each other through a difficult time.

To think that due to Republicants,  other people would not be able to have their Doctor walk them through their options when the end is inevitable is simply crazy to me.  Of course the last decade and the beginning of this decade have been full of crazy group think in this country...but I digress.

The bigger point...we live in a country where over 60 million people do not have and can't afford health insurance.  There options are very limited.  Why is it that we are the only industrialized nation in the world that does not provide health care for every citizen?  We profess to be the "greatest nation on earth".  WTF?  How can that be if we all are willing to allow millions of our citizens to simply die because they are poor or simply because they do not have insurance.

Really...I simply can not put into words how much I hate these disgusting, vile, evil, hypocritical, uniformed, asinine, idiotic, self absorbed, homophobic, sexist, racist, sky spook loving mother fuckers that have just gained the majority in the House of Representatives.

They do not represent what most Americans want.  Only 20% of the electorate showed up for the last election.  So they won because most people sat on their ass and did not even bother to vote.  More crazy right wing whacko's went to the polls then normal people who rely on critical thinking and logic when it regards social issues.  I get is easy to say...screw it, what difference does it make (trust me...I know that is a very strong argument), I just can't embrace that philosophy.  No matter how futile ones efforts are to push for progressive change...what other option is there?

I hope it is not too late to fight against what is happening in this country....the United States of Corporations is upon us.  Fascism is here.  Get up and get active...or don't.  I for one can not stand by and watch greed and lust for power be the driving force that guides a society.  Where the love of money is more important then life itself.  How sad it that.  It is what it is, but just think what it could be...


Monday, December 20, 2010

How pissed off could a liberal get if a liberal could get pissed?

Well...for me I am pretty pissed.  I know it is the holiday season and joy and all that crap is going on...however I just need to put my frustrations out there.  Here is where I am coming from.

I think the Bush years took us so far backwards that we as a nation have battered spouse syndrome. when anything positive comes out of the government we act as if it is a great win.  I don't see it that way.

I will give you that Obama/Pelosi have accomplished a good amount of stuff given the political environment being so polluted.  However...the health care bill...not even a half measure compared to what the nation needs.  The Don't Ask Don't it a victory...I call it the way it should of been the entire time.  The Tax bill...compromise, compromise, compromise.  Why?  When the Republicans gain power it is not like they are suddenly going to find a soul and do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do.

The Republicans are going to investigate everything they can on Obama.  They will continue to tie up legislation that is crucial to forward progress.  They will push through horrible legislation that the democrats will probably cave on and in that great world of compromise we will end up with half measures at best to address our country's needs. 

I hope I am wrong.  I hope something good comes out of the next congress...but as you can see I am not planning on it.  I am so tired of stupid, tea bag idiots, and crazy candidates getting so much media coverage and the opinions, ideas, and protests of the Majority of Americans are ignored. 

How many people where killed in Afghanistan last week?  You have to go to a foreign news source to find out.  Same with Iraq, additionally....where is the outrage, why are Americans so willing to sit on their ass and let this ridiculous policy continue.  How about Daniel Elsberg's and a veterans lead protest at the White House last week against the war was nowhere to be found...even though dozens where arrested and hundreds of veterans protested.

I don't understand how people can just go about their business of a repetitious day after day without so much as contacting their congress person, senator...representative about the outrage about our country spending all our money on war and killing while telling us as a country we have no money for basic services for the USA.

I am worried that in today's world organizing protests and putting on protests are almost impossible.  The ones I attend have at maximum a couple hundred people...where is everyone else?

I think they are all working their second job, because they can no longer live on the salary of one job.  So busy just trying to keep up they don't even have time to slow down to understand the big picture.

Capitalism has devoured our manufacturing base, shipped everything they can over seas.  So...this century will be the Asian/Indian century.  That's fine...but I am not to excited about our country becoming the place where "cheap labor" can be found in abundance.

There is a shift going on, it's a big can go with the flow...or fight the machine....I choose to fight.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tax Compromise

Well folks, first let me apologize for posting this from my phone from the karaoke bar on Tuesday....but hey...slow night.

I have very mixed feelings about this tax compromise that is working it's way through the labrynth known as the legislature.
In some ways I can see that in today's political environment it may have been the best deal the president could make just before the republicans take over. I am sure it would be much worse after the next congress is sworn in. There are extensions for unemployment benefits and other good things for Dems.

I just can't believe our country is so jacked that extending tax breaks for people who dint need them has got to be part of the deal. How much is enough. How much poverty and suffering do we have to go through before collectively we unite and stop the powers that be.

I was exstacted about Bernie Saunders and his "real" filibuster over it. This is what the democrats should have required the republicans to do for everything the blocked in the senate.

There were over 400 pieces of legislation that passed the house and went to the senate to die. As far as I am concerned Nancy Pelosim has been the most effective speaker in the history of congress.

It's just a shame that the republicans only agenda is to see Obama fail even if it means the country and millions of people suffer and die. That is just shameful. However the republicans can not be shamed. They just can't.

So now that we as a society did not do our part and gave the president what he needed which was more democrats not less in our last election, we have to take a long look in the mirror and ask ourselves why we are so he'll bent on self

I keep coming back tomthe media, the messaging and people just not understanding that elections have consequences.

However I tfeel it is a reflection of how deep the reality of racism and small
Mindeness come together with money, media & fringe groups that hog the news and are given far much credit then they deserve.

I am truly worried about the future of this country. I hope I am wrong...but there seems to be doom and gloom ahead. Although sometimes split governments can produce results. Piece out.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tax policy...I am so confused

So...when I get time, I am going to have to read the text of what all this hub bub about taxes & tax cuts going to this and that. Some folks say it is a kin to making the tax cuts to the rich permanent. Others are saying it was brilliant setting up the conservatives for a Waterloo type moment come 2012. (now you can see why I need to read it).

Of course there is no guarantee that what is on the table is what will be the final version of tax reform. I do know this. There are people in America who are really, really, really suffering. I am sure some more folks will end up homeless simply from the hold up or inaction up to this point.

I also believe that the ultra wealthy were to not receive a tax break of 700 billion, over the next few years. I do know that one could buy a Mercedes SL500 (I think that is the model) which is $83k (could be a different model, but you get the point). The ultra wealthy could also by another one every year for the next ten years. Now really....wouldn't that money be better spent to fix the roads that we all currently drive on and encounter potholes and other obstacles that could take down a hummer,

Well....until I educate myself on this one that is really all I have to say, I don't like to go on and on about stuff I have not vetted first.

So Merry Xmas, to those that got a check from the government have achieved a few more days on this earth with something to eat. That's something.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Don't ask don't tell

Oh the joy.  Just watching the briefing from the generals on the repeal on Don't Ask Don't Tell on CSPAN 2.  They questioned hundreds of thousands of military people and their wives.  (why the wives I am not sure...unless some were questioning what their G.I. was placing his riffle.  Oh forgive me...I could not resist)

Turns out the +90% don't care.  Which means...there are 10% of very loud obnoxious people who have caused a huge deal out of something that few even think about.  For crying out loud...these people are fighting and dying...I don't think the subject of hey...are you single really comes up that much.  I could be wrong.

Then the questions from the press.  My favorite...will they have separate shower and housing facilities?  Answer...NO.  Can you imagine in this day and age.  Those that have been kicked out...can apply again.  Isn't that nice. organization has fired you because of who you are, you can now rejoin since they treated you with such respect in the first place.  Lovely.

A three phase plan.  Assessment, implementation, then susstainment.  So..still no time frame.  Because the future is still pending.  (Brilliant observation).  Perhaps they that there are so many republicans in the houses of congress...this could take forever.

Don't get me wrong...I think all these people are committed to their assignment.  I just think the assignment is ridiculous.  I work with gay has never made me feel uncomfortable.  In fact...I am my youth it made me uncomfortable because of the relentless messages received by the rest of society how I was different.

I also work for heterosexual people, bi-sexual, transsexuals, transgender, questioning...none of which have bothered me.  I have worked with Holy Rollers and Bigots...they bothered me.  However...I never felt the urge to assault them, kill them, or wish they no longer existed on this earth.  I just felt pity for them because in my view their lives were so closed off to what the world of humanity had to offer.  However...who am I to say.  Feel as you wish.

This entire argument seems to be silly to me.  I find it comical to watch very serious people speaking very eloquently about a topic that is such a non starter.


The houses are back in session


Senator Fraken arguing for approving the signing of the SALT treaty.  Basically a treaty to modernize and protect "lose nukes" with Russia.  Huh...hardly important, I mean...what can be more important then the destruction of the entire planet.  Screw that.

Then the Congress.  Listening to the democratics arguing for funding of court cases that have already been ruled in favor of the American Idians water rights and African American farmers for violation of their land rights.  Hard to come down on the other side of that argument.

Leave it the the (R) in congress.  Although framing the argument with lies and nice big words to make them sound like they are not biggots.  In short all the words meant were...we can't give money to those people of color!  Why there will be people who were not a part of that there will be people getting money by lying.  Becaues we all know they are liars.  Why should we give those colored people any money...that money is obviously for us white folks.  Especially those of us from the south.  I just don't understand why people just don't remember their place and get back to working the land, providing food, and serving us fat lazy white people who are not even worthy of walking among the rest of American Society.

Have I said how much I hate these people?
