Well...for me I am pretty pissed. I know it is the holiday season and joy and all that crap is going on...however I just need to put my frustrations out there. Here is where I am coming from.
I think the Bush years took us so far backwards that we as a nation have battered spouse syndrome. So...now when anything positive comes out of the government we act as if it is a great win. I don't see it that way.
I will give you that Obama/Pelosi have accomplished a good amount of stuff given the political environment being so polluted. However...the health care bill...not even a half measure compared to what the nation needs. The Don't Ask Don't Tell....OK...call it a victory...I call it the way it should of been the entire time. The Tax bill...compromise, compromise, compromise. Why? When the Republicans gain power it is not like they are suddenly going to find a soul and do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do.
The Republicans are going to investigate everything they can on Obama. They will continue to tie up legislation that is crucial to forward progress. They will push through horrible legislation that the democrats will probably cave on and in that great world of compromise we will end up with half measures at best to address our country's needs.
I hope I am wrong. I hope something good comes out of the next congress...but as you can see I am not planning on it. I am so tired of stupid, tea bag idiots, and crazy candidates getting so much media coverage and the opinions, ideas, and protests of the Majority of Americans are ignored.
How many people where killed in Afghanistan last week? You have to go to a foreign news source to find out. Same with Iraq, additionally....where is the outrage, why are Americans so willing to sit on their ass and let this ridiculous policy continue. How about Daniel Elsberg's and a veterans lead protest at the White House last week against the war was nowhere to be found...even though dozens where arrested and hundreds of veterans protested.
I don't understand how people can just go about their business of a repetitious day after day without so much as contacting their congress person, senator...representative about the outrage about our country spending all our money on war and killing while telling us as a country we have no money for basic services for the USA.
I am worried that in today's world organizing protests and putting on protests are almost impossible. The ones I attend have at maximum a couple hundred people...where is everyone else?
I think they are all working their second job, because they can no longer live on the salary of one job. So busy just trying to keep up they don't even have time to slow down to understand the big picture.
Capitalism has devoured our manufacturing base, shipped everything they can over seas. So...this century will be the Asian/Indian century. That's fine...but I am not to excited about our country becoming the place where "cheap labor" can be found in abundance.
There is a shift going on, it's a big one...you can go with the flow...or fight the machine....I choose to fight.
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