Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Keith Is Back...and another topic about mass white insanity in America


Keith Oberman is back.  That is a good thing.  Shows what hundreds of thousands of people can accomplish when they come together for one common goal. 

I still think it is scary that Comcast is going to aquire NBC, which is owned by GE, which is one of the largest defense manufacturer's in the world.  Don't you think that it is strange that the people who make the bombs and weapons to kill people are the same people who control the message to the population as to why all these brown people must be killed?  Especially when they have no armed forces to defend themselves.  Just strikes an odd cord with me.  Oh  and he new chairman of that committee is the Republican congressman who apoligized to BP for what he called a "shake down".

Next onto mass white insanity that has swept the nation.  It is too bad that back in the 1960's that the civil rights leaders did not think big enough.  While all they had to do is get a black man in the white house, and the white race would go so insane they would basically committ mass suicide.  Cut off medicare, medicaid, food stampes, social security...all those entitilement programs for all those "lazy" people.

Hmmm...Lazy people.  25% of America's children are on food stamps.  One in eight families in american are receiving food stamps.  Millions have lost their jobs, their homes, their hopes, their dreams. is an idea, since the spineless Democrats were not able to fix it all in 18 months, let's put the Republican's back in power since they have done such a fine job from way back when Reagan let all the insane out of the institutions in California, then went onto to bust up the unions in the U.S.  At it's peak unions represented 35% of the American workforce, now it is less then 7%.  Do you really think that few people wield so much power in washington that the politicians are dancing to their drummer?

No...the time is here...the complete and total take over of America by Corporations.  They are recognized as people by the Supreme Court.  In the Citizen's Untied Case it was ruled that corporations were people and therefor could give as much money to political campaigns as they pleased.  Do you think that is why this last mid term election was the most money ever spent on a mid term election in the history of our country?  I do.

The system is corrupt.  Jefferson once said something to the effect that the tree of liberty must be watered by the blood of patriots in order to have a healthy democracy.  Is that what it has come too?

The majority of us voted a 1/2 white 1/2 black man to be president.  (Notice how no one ever calls him our 1/2 white president.)  The old white folks are so up in arms they have taken up arms and are willing to rise up and exercise their "second ammendment" remodies.  That is if they can get their scooters to know...the ones that were paid for by medicare.

Oh...and the debt...look how much it has gone up since Obama has become president!  Has anyone ever stopped and reflected that for 8 years we have been conducting 2 wars (3 if you count Pakistan) that were completely "off the books".  Not in the budget.  Then the domocratics come along and say...hey....we should really put this in the will tripple the deficit in a hurry.

What about those bail outs.  All those darn bail outs.  Sure Bush signed it, then Obama tweaked them and moved some of the money to the auto makers and new energy etc.  Along with loading the banks and financial insttitutions with money for them to lend to small business.  Well...that did not happen.  However, we did avoid entering another great depression.  Of the 700 billion spent, the non-partison congressional budget office estimates the entire program will end up costing us 50 billion dollars.  That's a small price to pay for saving the worlds economy.

However...there are some looming concerns.  Like the federal reserve printing enough money to equal 100% of the daily national debt.  Now...I am a simpilton when it comes to these complicated matters.  However, if you are spending 100% of what you make each day, it is just a matter of time before you hit the brick wall at 200 miles an hour.  That is where we are heading.  Why do you think gold hits a new high almost every day?  It is the escape plan for the ulra-wealthy.  When the currency collapses since Reagan took us off the gold standard, it has just been a matter of time before all this blew up in our face. 

Make no mistake, many will get hurt, many will die, many will suffer needlessly, many will die from lack of food, lack of healthcare, and quite frankly lack of anyone giving a damn about "the other".  Well my friend, the other is you, and the other is me.  It may not be us now...but some day...and that day will be will be us. advice...stock up on can goods, get a few fire arms, protect what is yours, because soon this country will devolve into anarchy.  There will be no rule of law.  There will be no money to enforce the law.  No money to keep the criminal justice system functioning.  No money for fire departments, police, public works.  It will be a country where everyone fends for themselves.

This will probably be the first generation who achieves less then their parents did.  The "American Dream" is just that...because you have to be asleep to beleive it.

Oh...but there is always hope.  Hope and Change.  Change we can believe in.  Sound familiar.   Yea...I am still waiting for that as well.

Truth out,


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